Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

 AIRFacebookAppEvent Defines constants for default Facebook app events.
 AIRFacebookBasicUserProfileEvent Dispatched once the basic user profile becomes available.
 AIRFacebookCachedAccessTokenEvent Dispatched shortly after Facebook initialization.
 AIRFacebookCancellableEvent Internal base class for events which represent cancellable action, e.g.
 AIRFacebookDeferredAppLinkEvent Dispatched after a call to AIRFacebook.fetchDeferredAppLink().
 AIRFacebookEvent Base class for events, providing an occasional error message.
 AIRFacebookExtendedUserProfileEvent Dispatched after a call to AIRFacebook.requestExtendedUserProfile().
 AIRFacebookGameRequest Represents Facebook Game Requests which can be requested using AIRFacebook.requestUserGameRequests().
 AIRFacebookGameRequestActionType Defines constants for the GameRequest action type.
 AIRFacebookGameRequestEvent Dispatched after a call to AIRFacebook.showGameRequestDialog().
 AIRFacebookGameRequestFilter Defines constants for the GameRequest friends filter.
 AIRFacebookGameRequestInvokeEvent Dispatched once your application is invoked from a Game Request, for example when user tapped a request notification in native Facebook app.
 AIRFacebookLinkParameter Represents deep link parameter.
 AIRFacebookLoginEvent Dispatched after a call to either AIRFacebook.loginWithReadPermissions() or AIRFacebook.loginWithPublishPermissions() and after the login process is finished.
 AIRFacebookLogoutEvent Dispatched after a call to AIRFacebook.logout().
 AIRFacebookOpenGraphEvent Dispatched after a call to any of the methods working with Open Graph.
com.marpies.ane.facebook Class that allows setting Facebook and extension settings.
 AIRFacebookShareEvent Dispatched after a call to any of the sharing methods, including AIRFacebook.showAppInviteDialog().
 AIRFacebookUserFriendsEvent Dispatched after a call to AIRFacebook.requestUserFriends().
 AIRFacebookUserGameRequestsEvent Dispatched after a call to AIRFacebook.requestUserGameRequests().
 AIRFacebookUserProfilePictureEvent Dispatched after a call to AIRFacebook.requestUserProfilePicture() if the parameter autoLoad was set to true.
 BasicUserProfile Provides access to basic user's properties shortly after logging the user into Facebook.
 ExtendedUserProfile Provides access to additional user's properties.
com.marpies.ane.facebook Interface providing Facebook SDK APIs.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about an app invitation result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified once the basic user profile is ready.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about the existence of a cached access token.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about a deferred app link request result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about an extended user profile request result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified when your application is invoked from a Game Request notification.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about a Game Request process result.
 IAIRFacebookGameRequests Interface providing Facebook Game Requests APIs.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about a login result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about a logout result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.graph Interface providing Facebook Open Graph APIs.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about an Open Graph request result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified once Facebook SDK finishes initialization.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.share Interface providing Facebook sharing APIs.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about a sharing process result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about a user friends request result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about a user Game Requests request result.
com.marpies.ane.facebook.listeners Interface for objects that want to be notified about user's picture loading process result.