Interfacepublic interface IAIRFacebookOpenGraph extends

Interface providing Facebook Open Graph APIs.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
postAchievement(achievementURL:String, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void
Posts achievement for logged in user.
postScore(score:int, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void
Posts score for logged in user.
Requests score for logged in user and if your app was granted user_friends permission then the result JSON also contains score for every user's friend who has authorized your app.
sendDELETERequest(nodeID:String, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void
Sends Open Graph DELETE request that allows deleting graph nodes.
sendGETRequest(path:String, parameters:Object = null, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void
Queries Open Graph with a GET request that allows reading Open Graph data.
sendPOSTRequest(path:String, parameters:Object = null, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void
Sends Open Graph POST request that allows creating and updating data on Open Graph.
Method Detail
public function postAchievement(achievementURL:String, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void

Posts achievement for logged in user. Your app must be in the Games category and the achievement must be enabled for your app before it can be completed by your users. Your app must be granted publish_actions permission to succeed with this call.


achievementURL:String — URL of HTML page that represents your achievement.
listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the Open Graph request result.

openGraphRequestResult:AIRFacebookOpenGraphEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also

public function postScore(score:int, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void

Posts score for logged in user. Your app must be in the Games category. Your app must be granted publish_actions permission to succeed with this call.


score:int — Score with value greater than zero.
listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the Open Graph request result.

openGraphRequestResult:AIRFacebookOpenGraphEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also

public function requestScores(listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void

Requests score for logged in user and if your app was granted user_friends permission then the result JSON also contains score for every user's friend who has authorized your app. Result JSON typically contains data object of type Array that contains users ordered by score from highest to lowest.


listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the Open Graph request result.

openGraphRequestResult:AIRFacebookOpenGraphEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also

public function sendDELETERequest(nodeID:String, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void

Sends Open Graph DELETE request that allows deleting graph nodes. If successful, result JSON typically contains only confirmation of the operation. Your app must be granted publish_actions permission to succeed with this call.


nodeID:String — ID of Open Graph node, for example a post from user's feed.
listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the Open Graph request result.

openGraphRequestResult:AIRFacebookOpenGraphEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also

public function sendGETRequest(path:String, parameters:Object = null, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void

Queries Open Graph with a GET request that allows reading Open Graph data. If successful, results are returned in raw and JSON format. Only certain graph requests can be expected to succeed if user is not logged in.


path:String — Open Graph path to query, e.g. /me or /me/friends.
parameters:Object (default = null) — Additional parameters to the query, e.g. { fields: "id,link,name" }
listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the Open Graph request result.

openGraphRequestResult:AIRFacebookOpenGraphEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also

public function sendPOSTRequest(path:String, parameters:Object = null, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void

Sends Open Graph POST request that allows creating and updating data on Open Graph. If successful, result JSON typically contains ID of the newly created/updated post. Your app must be granted publish_actions permission to succeed with this call.


path:String — Open Graph path where data will be created/updated, e.g. /me/feed.
parameters:Object (default = null) — Additional parameters to the POST request, e.g. { message: "Hello world from Seattle.", place: "110843418940484" }.
listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the Open Graph request result.

openGraphRequestResult:AIRFacebookOpenGraphEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also