Interfacepublic interface IAIRFacebookShare extends

Interface providing Facebook sharing APIs.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  canShareAppInvite : Boolean
Deprecated Since 2.0.0App invitation has been deprecated by Facebook.
[read-only] Call this to find out if an app invite dialog can be presented on current device.
  canShareLink : Boolean
[read-only] Call this to find out if link sharing is possible on current device.
  canShareLinkMessage : Boolean
[read-only] Call this to find out if link sharing with Messenger is possible on current device.
  canShareOpenGraphStory : Boolean
[read-only] Call this to find out if Open Graph story sharing is possible on current device.
  canSharePhoto : Boolean
[read-only] Call this to find out if photo sharing is possible on current device.
  canSharePhotoMessage : Boolean
[read-only] Call this to find out if photo sharing with Messenger is possible on current device.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
appInvite(appLinkURL:String, imageURL:String = null, listener:IAIRFacebookAppInviteListener = null):void
Deprecated Since 2.0.0App invitation has been deprecated by Facebook.
Opens up web dialog or native Facebook app with an option to send app invitation.
link(contentURL:String, postWithoutUI:Boolean = false, message:String = null, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void
Opens up web dialog or native Facebook app to post link on user's timeline.
linkMessage(contentURL:String, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void
Opens up native Facebook Messenger app to share link in message.
openGraphStory(actionType:String, objectType:String, title:String, image:Object = null, objectProperties:Object = null, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void
Opens up web dialog or native Facebook app to share an Open Graph story.
photo(photo:Object, isUserGenerated:Boolean = false, postWithoutUI:Boolean = false, message:String = null, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void
Opens up native Facebook app to post photo on user's timeline.
photoMessage(photo:Object, isUserGenerated:Boolean = false, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void
Opens up native Facebook Messenger app to share photo in message.
Property Detail
canShareAppInvite:Boolean  [read-only]
Deprecated Since 2.0.0App invitation has been deprecated by Facebook.

Call this to find out if an app invite dialog can be presented on current device.

    public function get canShareAppInvite():Boolean

See also

canShareLink:Boolean  [read-only]

Call this to find out if link sharing is possible on current device.

    public function get canShareLink():Boolean

See also

canShareLinkMessage:Boolean  [read-only]

Call this to find out if link sharing with Messenger is possible on current device.

Note: Sharing via Messenger on iOS is only possible on iPhones.

    public function get canShareLinkMessage():Boolean

See also

canShareOpenGraphStory:Boolean  [read-only]

Call this to find out if Open Graph story sharing is possible on current device.

    public function get canShareOpenGraphStory():Boolean

See also

canSharePhoto:Boolean  [read-only]

Call this to find out if photo sharing is possible on current device.

    public function get canSharePhoto():Boolean

See also

canSharePhotoMessage:Boolean  [read-only]

Call this to find out if photo sharing with Messenger is possible on current device.

Note: Sharing via Messenger on iOS is only possible on iPhones.

    public function get canSharePhotoMessage():Boolean

See also

Method Detail
public function appInvite(appLinkURL:String, imageURL:String = null, listener:IAIRFacebookAppInviteListener = null):void
Deprecated Since 2.0.0App invitation has been deprecated by Facebook.

Opens up web dialog or native Facebook app with an option to send app invitation. Friends who already have your app installed will not receive the invitation.


appLinkURL:String — App link for what should be opened when the recipient clicks on the install/play button on the app invite page. See Facebook docs on how to generate an app link.
imageURL:String (default = null) — URL to an image to be used in the invite. If a imageURL is not set the invite will use Promotional Images from the App Details section in Facebook apps settings. The invite will not show if no images are available.
listener:IAIRFacebookAppInviteListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the invitation process result.

shareResult:AIRFacebookShareEvent — Dispatched when the result of the invitation process is obtained.

See also

public function link(contentURL:String, postWithoutUI:Boolean = false, message:String = null, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void

Opens up web dialog or native Facebook app to post link on user's timeline.


contentURL:String — URL to which the posted link redirects.
postWithoutUI:Boolean (default = false) — Set to true if the link should be posted immediately without dialog or Facebook app popping up. User must be logged in and your app must have been granted publish_actions permission.
message:String (default = null) — Message that is added to the post when shared without UI. When shared using native UI this message can be added by user manually.
listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the sharing process result.

shareResult:AIRFacebookShareEvent — Dispatched when the result of the sharing process is obtained.

See also

public function linkMessage(contentURL:String, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void

Opens up native Facebook Messenger app to share link in message.

Note: Facebook Messenger app is required for this feature to work. Sharing via Messenger on iOS is only possible on iPhones.

Note: On Android, successful result is dispatched even when user cancelled the share action. According to Facebook dev team, it is not considered a bug.


contentURL:String — URL to which the posted link redirects.
listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the sharing process result.

shareResult:AIRFacebookShareEvent — Dispatched when the result of the sharing process is obtained.

See also

public function openGraphStory(actionType:String, objectType:String, title:String, image:Object = null, objectProperties:Object = null, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void

Opens up web dialog or native Facebook app to share an Open Graph story.


actionType:String — Open Graph action, e.g. books.reads or custom action app_namespace:action.
objectType:String — Open Graph object (must contain namespace), e.g. books:book or app_namespace:object.
title:String — Title of the Open Graph content.
image:Object (default = null) — Image displayed with the content. This parameter may be either String (image URL) or BitmapData.
objectProperties:Object (default = null) — Key-value object specifying additional Open Graph object properties. The keys must contain namespace, e.g. { "books:isbn", "0-553-57340-3", "app_namespace:property": "value" }.
listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the sharing process result.

shareResult:AIRFacebookShareEvent — Dispatched when the result of the sharing process is obtained.

See also

public function photo(photo:Object, isUserGenerated:Boolean = false, postWithoutUI:Boolean = false, message:String = null, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void

Opens up native Facebook app to post photo on user's timeline.

Note: Facebook app is required for this feature to work.


photo:Object — Object representing the photo to share. This parameter may be either String (image URL - local or remote location) or BitmapData. If image URL is specified then the image will be loaded before sharing which might introduce a slight delay between user's interaction and UI response.
isUserGenerated:Boolean (default = false) — Specifies whether the photo was generated by the user or by the application.
postWithoutUI:Boolean (default = false) — Set to true if the photo should be posted immediately without Facebook app popping up. User must be logged in and your app must have been granted publish_actions permission.
message:String (default = null) — Message that is added to the post when shared without UI. When shared using native UI this message can be added by user manually.
listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the sharing process result.

shareResult:AIRFacebookShareEvent — Dispatched when the result of the sharing process is obtained.

See also

public function photoMessage(photo:Object, isUserGenerated:Boolean = false, listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener = null):void

Opens up native Facebook Messenger app to share photo in message.

Note: Facebook Messenger app is required for this feature to work. Sharing via Messenger on iOS is only possible on iPhones.

Note: On Android, successful result is dispatched even when user cancelled the share action. According to Facebook dev team, it is not considered a bug.


photo:Object — Object representing the photo to share. This parameter may be either String (image URL - local or remote location) or BitmapData. If image URL is specified then the image will be loaded before sharing which might introduce a slight delay between user's interaction and UI response.
isUserGenerated:Boolean (default = false) — Specifies whether the photo was generated by the user or by the application.
listener:IAIRFacebookShareListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the sharing process result.

shareResult:AIRFacebookShareEvent — Dispatched when the result of the sharing process is obtained.

See also