 IAIRFacebookAppInviteListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about an app invitation result.
 IAIRFacebookBasicUserProfileListener Interface for objects that want to be notified once the basic user profile is ready.
 IAIRFacebookCachedAccessTokenListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about the existence of a cached access token.
 IAIRFacebookDeferredAppLinkListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about a deferred app link request result.
 IAIRFacebookExtendedUserProfileListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about an extended user profile request result.
 IAIRFacebookGameRequestInvokeListener Interface for objects that want to be notified when your application is invoked from a Game Request notification.
 IAIRFacebookGameRequestListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about a Game Request process result.
 IAIRFacebookLoginListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about a login result.
 IAIRFacebookLogoutListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about a logout result.
 IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about an Open Graph request result.
 IAIRFacebookSDKInitListener Interface for objects that want to be notified once Facebook SDK finishes initialization.
 IAIRFacebookShareListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about a sharing process result.
 IAIRFacebookUserFriendsListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about a user friends request result.
 IAIRFacebookUserGameRequestsListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about a user Game Requests request result.
 IAIRFacebookUserProfilePictureListener Interface for objects that want to be notified about user's picture loading process result.