Interfacepublic interface IAIRFacebookGameRequestInvokeListener

Interface for objects that want to be notified when your application is invoked from a Game Request notification.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
onFacebookGameRequestInvoke(requestIDs:Vector.<String>, URLVars:URLVariables, arguments:Array, fullURL:String, reason:String):void
Called when your application is invoked from a Game Request notification.
Method Detail
public function onFacebookGameRequestInvoke(requestIDs:Vector.<String>, URLVars:URLVariables, arguments:Array, fullURL:String, reason:String):void

Called when your application is invoked from a Game Request notification.


requestIDs:Vector.<String> — List of GameRequest IDs which were sent to the user. Use the IDs with AIRFacebook.requestUserGameRequests().
URLVars:URLVariables — Parsed variables from the invoked URL.
arguments:Array — Original arguments.
fullURL:String — URL that was handled by the invoke event.
reason:String — Reason of the invoke event.