Interfacepublic interface IAIRFacebookGameRequests extends

Interface providing Facebook Game Requests APIs.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  canShowDialog : Boolean
[read-only] Call this to find out if a Game Request dialog can be presented on current device.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Adds object that will be notified when your application is invoked from a Game Request notification.
deleteGameRequest(requestID:String, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void
Deletes app request from the Facebook.
loadUserGameRequests(fields:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookUserGameRequestsListener = null):void
Requests game requests which were sent to the logged in user.
Removes object that was added earlier using addGameRequestInvokeListener.
showDialog(message:String, actionType:String = null, title:String = null, objectID:String = null, friendsFilter:String = null, data:String = null, suggestedFriends:Vector.<String> = null, recipients:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookGameRequestListener = null):void
Opens up web dialog to send the specified game request.
Property Detail
canShowDialog:Boolean  [read-only]

Call this to find out if a Game Request dialog can be presented on current device.

    public function get canShowDialog():Boolean

See also

Method Detail
public function addGameRequestInvokeListener(listener:IAIRFacebookGameRequestInvokeListener):void

Adds object that will be notified when your application is invoked from a Game Request notification. This object is retained for as long as the extension is active or until AIRFacebook.removeGameRequestInvokeListener() is called.


listener:IAIRFacebookGameRequestInvokeListener — Object to be notified when your application is invoked from a Game Request notification.

See also

public function deleteGameRequest(requestID:String, listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener = null):void

Deletes app request from the Facebook. The requests are never deleted automatically, it is a developer's responsibility to do so on user's behalf, typically after the user accepted the request.

Since this is simply an Open Graph DELETE request your app must be granted publish_actions permission to succeed with this call.

If successful, result JSON typically contains only confirmation of the operation.


requestID:String — ID of the app request to delete.
listener:IAIRFacebookOpenGraphListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the request result.

openGraphRequestResult:AIRFacebookOpenGraphEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also

public function loadUserGameRequests(fields:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookUserGameRequestsListener = null):void

Requests game requests which were sent to the logged in user.


fields:Vector.<String> (default = null) — Set of fields to pass to the request. Supported values are id, from, to, message, action_type, application, data, object, created_time. If no fields are specified then each app request in the result contains id, from, to, message, action_type, created_time and application.
listener:IAIRFacebookUserGameRequestsListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the request result.

userGameRequestsRequestResult:AIRFacebookUserGameRequestsEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also

public function removeGameRequestInvokeListener(listener:IAIRFacebookGameRequestInvokeListener):void

Removes object that was added earlier using addGameRequestInvokeListener.


listener:IAIRFacebookGameRequestInvokeListener — Object to remove.

See also

public function showDialog(message:String, actionType:String = null, title:String = null, objectID:String = null, friendsFilter:String = null, data:String = null, suggestedFriends:Vector.<String> = null, recipients:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookGameRequestListener = null):void

Opens up web dialog to send the specified game request.


message:String — Message that users receiving the request will see; maximum 60 characters.
actionType:String (default = null) — Used when defining additional context about the nature of the request. Use either a value from AIRFacebookGameRequestActionType class or null which means value of AIRFacebookGameRequestActionType.NONE will be used.
title:String (default = null) — Optional title for the dialog; maximum 50 characters.
objectID:String (default = null) — Open Graph ID of an object that is being sent or asked for. Only valid (and required) for request types AIRFacebookGameRequestActionType.SEND and AIRFacebookGameRequestActionType.ASK_FOR.
friendsFilter:String (default = null) — Controls the set of friends user sees in the multi-friend selector dialog. Use AIRFacebookGameRequestFilter.APP_USERS to only display friends who are existing users of your app, or AIRFacebookGameRequestFilter.APP_NON_USERS to only display friends who have previously not authenticated your app. If null, the multi-friend selector will display all of the user's friends.
data:String (default = null) — Optional data which can be used for tracking; maximum 255 characters.
suggestedFriends:Vector.<String> (default = null) — An array of user IDs that will be included in the dialog as the first suggested friends. Cannot be used together with friendsFilter.
recipients:Vector.<String> (default = null) — List of user IDs, usernames or invite tokens of people to send the request to. If this is not specified, a friend selector will be displayed and the user can select up to 50 friends.
listener:IAIRFacebookGameRequestListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the request result.

gameRequestRequestResult:AIRFacebookGameRequestEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.

See also