Interfacepublic interface IAIRFacebook extends

Interface providing Facebook SDK APIs.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  accessToken : String
[read-only] Returns access token granted for the logged in user or null if no user is logged in.
  accessTokenExpirationTimestamp : Number
[read-only] Returns expiration timestamp (in milliseconds) of the current access token or 0 if there is no access token.
  applicationId : String
[read-only] Returns the Facebook app id.
  basicUserProfile : BasicUserProfile
[read-only] Returns basic user profile.
  deniedPermissions : Vector.<String>
[read-only] Returns a list of permissions which were denied by the user during the login process.
  gameRequests : IAIRFacebookGameRequests
[read-only] Returns object that provides Facebook Game Requests API.
  grantedPermissions : Vector.<String>
[read-only] Returns a list of granted permissions.
  isAccessTokenExpired : Boolean
[read-only] Returns true if the current access token is expired or does not exist, false otherwise.
  isBasicUserProfileReady : Boolean
[read-only] Returns true if the user is logged in and her basic profile is ready to be accessed.
  isInitialized : Boolean
[read-only] Returns true if the Facebook SDK has been successfully initialized.
  isSupported : Boolean
[read-only] Returns true if the Facebook SDK is supported on current platform.
  isUserLoggedIn : Boolean
[read-only] Returns true if user successfully went through Facebook login process or a valid access token was loaded during initialization, false otherwise.
  openGraph : IAIRFacebookOpenGraph
[read-only] Returns object that provides Facebook Open Graph API.
  sdkVersion : String
[read-only] Returns version of the native Facebook SDK.
  settings : AIRFacebookSettings
[read-only] Returns Facebook and extension settings.
  share : IAIRFacebookShare
[read-only] Returns object that provides Facebook sharing API.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Adds object that will be notified when basic user profile is ready.
Disposes native extension context.
Fetches deferred app link data.
init(applicationId:String, cachedAccessTokenListener:IAIRFacebookCachedAccessTokenListener = null, basicUserProfileListener:IAIRFacebookBasicUserProfileListener = null, sdkInitListener:IAIRFacebookSDKInitListener = null):Boolean
Initializes extension context and native Facebook SDK.
Allows checking if a particular permission is granted.
logEvent(eventName:String, parameters:Object = null, valueToSum:Number = 0.0):void
Logs an application event for Facebook analytics.
loginWithPublishPermissions(permissions:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookLoginListener = null):void
If user is not logged in then initiates user login with publish permissions otherwise requests publish permissions which have not been granted yet.
loginWithReadPermissions(permissions:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookLoginListener = null):void
If user is not logged in then initiates user login with read permissions otherwise requests read permissions which have not been granted yet.
logout(confirm:Boolean = false, title:String = Log out from Facebook?, message:String = You will not be able to connect with friends!, confirmLabel:String = Log out, cancelLabel:String = Cancel, listener:IAIRFacebookLogoutListener = null):void
Attempts to log out current user and clear cached access token.
Removes object that was added earlier using addBasicUserProfileListener.
requestExtendedUserProfile(fields:Vector.<String> = null, forceRefresh:Boolean = false, listener:IAIRFacebookExtendedUserProfileListener = null):ExtendedUserProfile
Requests extended user profile that may contain additional user properties depending on the permissions that were granted to your app.
requestUserFriends(fields:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookUserFriendsListener = null):void
Requests user friends.
requestUserProfilePicture(width:int, height:int, autoLoad:Boolean = false, listener:IAIRFacebookUserProfilePictureListener = null):String
Requests user's profile picture and optionally loads the picture.
Property Detail
accessToken:String  [read-only]

Returns access token granted for the logged in user or null if no user is logged in.

    public function get accessToken():String
accessTokenExpirationTimestamp:Number  [read-only]

Returns expiration timestamp (in milliseconds) of the current access token or 0 if there is no access token.

    public function get accessTokenExpirationTimestamp():Number
applicationId:String  [read-only]

Returns the Facebook app id.

    public function get applicationId():String
basicUserProfile:BasicUserProfile  [read-only]

Returns basic user profile. This property still may return null when accessed inside of a login handler. Listen to AIRFacebookBasicUserProfileEvent.PROFILE_READY or add listener object using AIRFacebook.addBasicUserProfileListener to be notified when the user's profile is ready to be accessed.

    public function get basicUserProfile():BasicUserProfile

See also

deniedPermissions:Vector.<String>  [read-only]

Returns a list of permissions which were denied by the user during the login process.

    public function get deniedPermissions():Vector.<String>
gameRequests:IAIRFacebookGameRequests  [read-only]

Returns object that provides Facebook Game Requests API.

    public function get gameRequests():IAIRFacebookGameRequests
grantedPermissions:Vector.<String>  [read-only]

Returns a list of granted permissions.

    public function get grantedPermissions():Vector.<String>
isAccessTokenExpired:Boolean  [read-only]

Returns true if the current access token is expired or does not exist, false otherwise.

    public function get isAccessTokenExpired():Boolean
isBasicUserProfileReady:Boolean  [read-only]

Returns true if the user is logged in and her basic profile is ready to be accessed. This property still may be false when accessed inside of a login handler. Listen to AIRFacebookBasicUserProfileEvent.PROFILE_READY or add listener object using AIRFacebook.addBasicUserProfileListener to be notified when the user's profile is ready to be accessed.

    public function get isBasicUserProfileReady():Boolean

See also

isInitialized:Boolean  [read-only]

Returns true if the Facebook SDK has been successfully initialized.

    public function get isInitialized():Boolean
isSupported:Boolean  [read-only]

Returns true if the Facebook SDK is supported on current platform.

    public function get isSupported():Boolean
isUserLoggedIn:Boolean  [read-only]

Returns true if user successfully went through Facebook login process or a valid access token was loaded during initialization, false otherwise. This property may return false shortly after a call to AIRFacebook.init() method even if a cached access token may exist. To find out if user's token was loaded after initialization listen to AIRFacebookCachedAccessTokenEvent.RESULT or specify a listener object when calling AIRFacebook.init() method.

Note: user's profile may not be ready to access even when this property returns true, especially when trying to access user's profile inside of a login handler. To find out if you can access user's profile use isBasicUserProfileReady instead.

    public function get isUserLoggedIn():Boolean
openGraph:IAIRFacebookOpenGraph  [read-only]

Returns object that provides Facebook Open Graph API.

    public function get openGraph():IAIRFacebookOpenGraph
sdkVersion:String  [read-only]

Returns version of the native Facebook SDK.

    public function get sdkVersion():String
settings:AIRFacebookSettings  [read-only]

Returns Facebook and extension settings. Changes only take effect when set before calling AIRFacebook.instance.init().

    public function get settings():AIRFacebookSettings

See also

share:IAIRFacebookShare  [read-only]

Returns object that provides Facebook sharing API.

    public function get share():IAIRFacebookShare
Method Detail
public function addBasicUserProfileListener(listener:IAIRFacebookBasicUserProfileListener):void

Adds object that will be notified when basic user profile is ready. This object is retained for as long as the extension is active or until AIRFacebook.removeBasicUserProfileListener() is called.

Since the listener added using AIRFacebook.init() is only called once, this method is useful for adding a listener again, for example after user logs out.


listener:IAIRFacebookBasicUserProfileListener — Object to be notified when basic user profile is ready.

public function dispose():void

Disposes native extension context.

public function fetchDeferredAppLink(listener:IAIRFacebookDeferredAppLinkListener = null):void

Fetches deferred app link data.


listener:IAIRFacebookDeferredAppLinkListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the request result.

deferredAppLinkRequestResult:AIRFacebookDeferredAppLinkEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.
public function init(applicationId:String, cachedAccessTokenListener:IAIRFacebookCachedAccessTokenListener = null, basicUserProfileListener:IAIRFacebookBasicUserProfileListener = null, sdkInitListener:IAIRFacebookSDKInitListener = null):Boolean

Initializes extension context and native Facebook SDK.


applicationId:String — Facebook application id.
cachedAccessTokenListener:IAIRFacebookCachedAccessTokenListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified whether cached access token was found or not.
basicUserProfileListener:IAIRFacebookBasicUserProfileListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified when basic user profile is ready. This object will be notified only once, either shortly after initialization (i.e. if cached access token was found) or after the first successful login. If user logs out you can add the listener object again using AIRFacebook.addBasicUserProfileListener.
sdkInitListener:IAIRFacebookSDKInitListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified when native Facebook SDK is initialized.

Booleantrue if the extension context was created, false otherwise.

sdkInit:AIRFacebookEvent — Dispatched when the Facebook SDK is initialized, making the rest of the API safe to use. Considering the initialization may take slightly longer on Android in some rare cases, it is recommended to make this event's handler a starting point in using AIRFacebook's API. Listener for this event should be added before calling AIRFacebook.init().
cachedAccessTokenResult:AIRFacebookCachedAccessTokenEvent — Dispatched shortly after initialization with information whether cached access token was found or not.
profileReady:AIRFacebookBasicUserProfileEvent — Dispatched only if a cached access token is found. Provides basic information about logged in user.

See also

public function isPermissionGranted(permission:String):Boolean

Allows checking if a particular permission is granted.


permission:String — Permission to check for.

Booleantrue if permission is granted, false otherwise.
public function logEvent(eventName:String, parameters:Object = null, valueToSum:Number = 0.0):void

Logs an application event for Facebook analytics.

Example logging of a purchase:

         const params:Object = {};
         params[AIRFacebookAppEvent.EVENT_PARAM_CURRENCY] = "USD";
         params[AIRFacebookAppEvent.EVENT_PARAM_CONTENT_TYPE] = "shoes";
         params[AIRFacebookAppEvent.EVENT_PARAM_CONTENT_ID] = "HDFU-8452";
         AIRFacebook.logEvent( AIRFacebookAppEvent.EVENT_NAME_PURCHASED, params, 23.50 );


eventName:String — Event name used to denote the event. Choose amongst the EVENT_NAME constants in AIRFacebookAppEvent when possible, or create your own. Event names should be 40 characters or less, alphanumeric, and can include spaces, underscores or hyphens, but must not have a space or hyphen as the first character.
parameters:Object (default = null) — Key-value object specifying parameters to log with the event. Insights will allow looking at the logs of these events via different parameter values. You can log on the order of 10 parameters with each distinct eventName. It is advisable to limit the number of unique values provided for each parameter in the thousands. As an example, do not attempt to provide a unique parameter value for each unique user in your app. You will not get meaningful aggregate reporting on so many parameter values. Parameter values in the object must be of type String.
valueToSum:Number (default = 0.0) — Value to associate with the event which will be summed up in Insights for across all instances of the event, so that average values can be determined, etc.

See also

public function loginWithPublishPermissions(permissions:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookLoginListener = null):void

If user is not logged in then initiates user login with publish permissions otherwise requests publish permissions which have not been granted yet.


permissions:Vector.<String> (default = null) — List of publish permissions to request.
listener:IAIRFacebookLoginListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the login result.

loginResult:AIRFacebookLoginEvent — Dispatched when the result of the login process is obtained.
public function loginWithReadPermissions(permissions:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookLoginListener = null):void

If user is not logged in then initiates user login with read permissions otherwise requests read permissions which have not been granted yet.


permissions:Vector.<String> (default = null) — List of read permissions to request.
listener:IAIRFacebookLoginListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the login result.

loginResult:AIRFacebookLoginEvent — Dispatched when the result of the login process is obtained.
public function logout(confirm:Boolean = false, title:String = Log out from Facebook?, message:String = You will not be able to connect with friends!, confirmLabel:String = Log out, cancelLabel:String = Cancel, listener:IAIRFacebookLogoutListener = null):void

Attempts to log out current user and clear cached access token.


confirm:Boolean (default = false) — Set to true to display native dialog asking user to confirm log out.
title:String (default = Log out from Facebook?) — Value for the title of the log out confirmation dialog.
message:String (default = You will not be able to connect with friends!) — Value for the message of the log out confirmation dialog.
confirmLabel:String (default = Log out) — Label for the confirm button.
cancelLabel:String (default = Cancel) — Label for the cancel button.
listener:IAIRFacebookLogoutListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the logout result.

logoutResult:AIRFacebookLogoutEvent — Dispatched when the result of the logout process is obtained.
public function removeBasicUserProfileListener(listener:IAIRFacebookBasicUserProfileListener):void

Removes object that was added earlier using addBasicUserProfileListener.


listener:IAIRFacebookBasicUserProfileListener — Object to remove.

public function requestExtendedUserProfile(fields:Vector.<String> = null, forceRefresh:Boolean = false, listener:IAIRFacebookExtendedUserProfileListener = null):ExtendedUserProfile

Requests extended user profile that may contain additional user properties depending on the permissions that were granted to your app. If forcing the refresh or the request has not been made earlier then listen to AIRFacebookExtendedUserProfileEvent.PROFILE_LOADED to get the result of this request.

If asynchronous request is not necessary then a cached value is returned.


fields:Vector.<String> (default = null) — Set of fields to pass to the request, e.g. name or link. These fields represent the user's properties which will be available to read, provided your app has necessary permissions to obtain them.
forceRefresh:Boolean (default = false) — Set to true if you want to refresh user data, for example after your app was granted new permission.
listener:IAIRFacebookExtendedUserProfileListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified (if cached value is not used) about the request result.

ExtendedUserProfile — Cached ExtendedUserProfile from earlier request, or null if cache does not exist or refresh is enforced.

profileLoaded:AIRFacebookExtendedUserProfileEvent — Dispatched if cached value is not used.
public function requestUserFriends(fields:Vector.<String> = null, listener:IAIRFacebookUserFriendsListener = null):void

Requests user friends. Only those friends who have also installed your app are contained in the result.


fields:Vector.<String> (default = null) — Set of fields to pass to the request, e.g. name or link. These fields represent the friends' properties which will be available to read, provided your app has necessary permissions to obtain them.
listener:IAIRFacebookUserFriendsListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the request result.

userFriendsRequestResult:AIRFacebookUserFriendsEvent — Dispatched when the result of the request is obtained.
public function requestUserProfilePicture(width:int, height:int, autoLoad:Boolean = false, listener:IAIRFacebookUserProfilePictureListener = null):String

Requests user's profile picture and optionally loads the picture. Basic user's profile must be ready in order to succeed with this call.


width:int — The desired width for the profile picture, must be greater than 0.
height:int — The desired height for the profile picture, must be greater than 0.
autoLoad:Boolean (default = false) — Set to true if you want the picture to be loaded.
listener:IAIRFacebookUserProfilePictureListener (default = null) — Object that will be notified about the auto-loaded profile picture.

String — The URI of the profile picture, or null if user's profile is not ready to be accessed.

profilePictureLoadResult:AIRFacebookUserProfilePictureEvent — Dispatched if autoLoad is set to true.

See also